Online Targeting and Bias in Algorithmic Decision-

(Published to the use MY data site on 2019-07-23)

Interim reports published on Online Targeting and Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making

The Centre for Data Ethics (CDEI) have published the Centre for Data Ethics & Innovation’s interim reports for our two major Reviews into Online Targeting and Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making.

These reports set out the issues that the Centre for Data Ethics are addressing and their approach, an update on their progress to date and how they will spend the next few months as they work up towards final recommendations to the Government.

Alongside these reports, they have also published landscape summaries which have informed each review and summarises the academic, policy and other literature in these two areas.

The Centre comments "While our Calls for Evidence have formally closed, we are keen to continue to work with and hear from interested parties and stakeholders across these issues".

To get in touch with the Reviews team, please email

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"This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support"

The patient data citation was conceived and developed by the patients and carers in the use MY data patient movement. It has been widely adopted by data and research organisations, and recommended for adoption by the major research funders in the UK.

About use MY data

use MY data is a movement of patients, carers and relatives

use MY data supports and promotes the protection of individual choice, freedom and privacy in the sharing of healthcare data to improve patient treatments and outcomes.

use MY data endeavours to highlight the many benefits that appropriate usage of healthcare data can make, to save lives and improve care for all.

use MY data aims to educate and harness the patient voice to understand aspirations and concerns around the use of data in healthcare delivery, in service improvement and in research, aimed at improving patient decision making, treatment and experience.


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Our vision is of every patient willingly giving their data to help others, knowing that effective safeguards to maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of their data are applied consistently, transparently and rigorously.