use MY data's Secretariat
The Secretariat takes forward the work of use MY data by delivering the work programme, on behalf of the Members. At all times, the Secretariat acts on behalf of use MY data’s Members and works to promote and protect use MY data’s reputation.
The Secretariat comprises four part-time roles. While these are distinct roles, the role holders work very much as a team, communicating regularly via email and meeting weekly. The roles are:
How the Executive Group and Secretariat work together
Alison Stone is the Head of Programmes & Engagement and responsible for taking forward the strategic direction of use MY data (as identified by the Executive Group on behalf of Members) and for managing the work programme that underpins use MY data’s strategy.
She is the first point contact for engagement requests from external stakeholders, managing these relationships and, crucially, our Members engagement or involvement work with the organisations.
Alison is the membership manager and first point of contact for Members and Associate Members (existing and new). She works with individual Members and Associate Members to support, develop and promote their patient data projects and work.
Prior to use MY data, Alison was part of the National Cancer Intelligence Network’s (NCIN) coordinating team.
Chris Carrigan is Data Adviser to use MY data and part of the Secretariat for use MY data. Chris is a specialist in health data and information, but with a particular focus on patient involvement and patient voice.
Chris coordinates and delivers the regular Members Education Sessions, coordinates the responses from Members to large consultations and represents use MY data on key national groups. He provides advice to Members on any data-related matters.
Prior to use MY data, Chris was both Patient Involvement Lead and Chief Operating Officer for DATA-CAN, Chair of the Independent Group Advising on the Release of Data, and Head of the National Cancer Intelligence Network's (NCIN) coordinating team.
In his Data Adviser role, Chris also sits on several groups for use MY data:
Elizabeth Lloyd-Owen is our Communications & Media Lead with wide-ranging marketing and communications experience supporting businesses, charities and grassroots community projects and campaigns.
Elizabeth leads our communications and media service enabling the voice of our Members to be heard and promoted widely. She is the first point of contact for media enquiries and leads on our media campaigns.
Gladis is our Adminstrator and brings a wealth of experience to this role. Gladis has a strong background in administration and finance work and uses her skills and knowledge to support the work of use MY data. Gladis’s work covers three main areas:
In addition to this role, Gladis works as an integrative counsellor.
You can read about the ways of working between the Secretariat and the Executive Group here.
Contact us
"the only independent patient movement in the UK focused on patient data"
use MY data is registered as a not for profit company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (14425977)